
Why You Need a Financial Planner More Than You Think

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Why You Need a Financial Planner More Than You Think

Do you think you have too little money to need a financial planner? My name is Evelyn, and I have worked with a personal financial planner for the past seven years. I want to tell you that even if you have only a small income and very little money, you can use the services of a financial planner. I'll explain how investing even the smallest amount of money can help you become wealthier over time. I'll go over investment strategies and let you know how to find the best rates for your situation. I hope I'll convince you that hiring a financial planner is a move that makes sense.

2 Ways To Improve Your Credit After Filing For Bankruptcy

Improving your credit after having to file for bankruptcy can often seem like a monumental task, but there are numerous methods available to you that can help you achieve the goal of having a decent credit score after your bankruptcy. Listed below are just two of the many ways to improve your credit after filing for bankruptcy. Consider Asking Your Bank For A Secured Card Or Secured Loan One of the first steps you should take when trying to improve your credit after filing for bankruptcy is asking your bank for a secured card or secured loan. Read More 

How To Fund A Roth IRA When A Traditional IRA Is Not Available

One of the most practical ways to save for retirement is to fund an individual retirement account. Many individuals prefer the current deferral of taxes provided by a traditional IRA. However, some persons are not eligible to fund a regular IRA. Individuals ineligible to fund a traditional IRA may be able to fund a Roth IRA instead. A Roth IRA is not necessarily less desirable than a traditional IRA. In fact, a Roth IRA is sometimes preferred due to its long-term advantages. Read More 

What Changes To Your Finances Should You Make Before Your Child Leaves For College?

If you've found yourself agonizing over completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), required by many college admissions offices as a condition of your teen's enrollment, you may be wondering whether there are any structural changes you can make to your financial picture to improve the odds that your child will be eligible for financial aid. While actively hiding assets or divorcing your spouse to artificially reduce the amount of income deemed available to your child can be considered fraud, there are a number of completely legal and above-board ways to reduce the amount of your expected family contribution, or EFC. Read More 

What To Do With Your 401K Money Now That You’ve Retired

The decision about what to do with your 401k as you are nearing retirement is important. Once you retire, you won't receive the same matching contributions that you did from your employer, and you might wish to rollover the 401k assets into a new investment. You should speak with a financial planer who specializes in retirement planning and determine if you should rollover the 401k, and if so, into what asset class. Read More 

Failing at Saving? 4 Strategies for Putting More Money in Your Savings Account

How much money do you have in savings? According to financial planners, you should have at least three to six months worth of expenses in the bank. If it costs you $3,000 to pay for all of your monthly bills plus groceries and gas, you should have $9,000 to $24,000 in the bank. If you don't, you're not alone. A whopping 69 percent of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. Only 15 percent of people have managed to save $10,000 or more. Read More